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  • Airports in Myanmar

  • Airports in Myanmar

Air traffic infrastructure of Myanmar (Burma) by Invest

Airports in Myanmar


International airports can be found in Yangon and Mandalay. Construction is under way at Yangon International Airport to increase its capacity from 2.7 million passengers a year to more than 3.8 million annually. Also, some domestic airports will be transformed into to international airports to serve growing foreign interest in the country. $4 million will be put into Dawei Airport to make it an international facility.

“Myanmar is starting from a low base hence there are plenty of opportunities [for investors]. It will be inexpensive to set up projects. Further down the road Myanmar has the potential to be an Asean powerhouse if reforms are on track,”
- Shukor Yusof, Standard and Poors Equity Research division in Singapore

Three domestic companies currently provide international service: Air Mandalay, Yangon Airways and Myanmar Airways International

It is important to note the massive amount of Myanmar workers in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Thailand. A low-cost carrier is in high demand, and any company that serves this market could be very successful.


The schedule for domestic flights is quite limited, but this is the most efficient way to move about such a large country. Myanmar has over 60 airstrips with 46 local airports in every state except Chin state. To promote growth, the government intends to privatize all of these airports.

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Foreign investment in Myanmar reaches 42.9 billion US dollars in 2013's first half

GDP 2010 USD 45.4 B
GDP 2012 USD 54.0 B
Inflation 9.13 %
Unemployment Approx. 35%
GDP growth 2011 5.5 %
FDI 2011 USD 1.05 B
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