The United Kingdom has pledged to invest over US$385 million in Myanmar in two years time, according to statistics of the Directorate of Investment and Company Registration.
The UK invested... [ More ]
Yet this space is highly contingent on a number of volatile factors: the goodwill of the current President and his associates in Parliament, the ability of Aung San Suu Kyi to assure the... [ More ]
If the 10-nation ASEAN bloc is to double its economy by 2020, then a large thrust of the growth rate will be coming from Myanmar.
According to consultancy McKinsey Global Institute,... [ More ]
Myanmar was one of East Asia’s fast growing advanced economies in the early 20th century. But decades of isolation took its toll and Myanmar was left out of the region’s remarkable... [ More ]
By Feng Yingqiu
YANGON, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar and the European Union have made a step forward in their relations following the visit of President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso to Myanmar and the successive opening of embassies in Myanmar of three European countries -- Switzerland, Norway and Denmark in the weekend days.
Myanmar and the EU signed a joint declaration at the Myanmar Peace Center (MPC) in Yangon on EU's support of Myanmar's peace process and offering of...
Myanmar is very rich in natural resources like petroleum, timber, tin, antimony, zinc, copper, tungsten, lead, coal, some marble, limestone, precious stones, natural gas and hydropower. ... More