Myanmar is running behind schedule for starting a stock exchange by 2015 after delays in getting the legal framework in place, said an executive at Japan Exchange Group Inc. (8697), which is assisting on the project.
“We’re pressed for time,” Koichiro Miyahara, senior executive officer at Japan Exchange, said in an interview in Tokyo on Aug. 27. He said the late approval of a capital markets bill has delayed the project, and it’s up to the Myanmar government as to how fast it can set...
Back in February, Mario Singh, Director of Training and Education at FXPRIMUS, expressed his opinions on the Southeast Asian market. One country he focused on was Myanmar. At the time, Singh stated that, “The hot story for Southeast Asia now, is undoubtedly Myanmar. The country has attracted considerable attention since its government decided to pursue economic reforms, and sanctions have begun to ease on the country. Foreign investors, not just companies, but also countries, are eager to...
Did You Know?
The climate of Myanmar is generally humid, and it receives less rainfall but the temperature remains quite mild all through the year.
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