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Myanmar's border trade fetches nearly $900m in three months

Date: 14/08/2013
Source: Global Times
Myanmar's border trade fetches nearly $900m in three months

Myanmar's border trade fetched $894. 31 million in the first three months (April-June) of the fiscal year 2013-14, local daily reported Monday.

Of the total, export amounted to $452.184 million while import represented $442.124 million, said the Daily Eleven.

Myanmar's border trade is done through 15 trade points with four neighboring countries, namely Muse, Lwailge, Chin Shwe Haw and Kanbiketee with China, Tachileik, Myawady, Kaw Thaung and Myeik with Thailand, Nabule, Htee Ki, Sittway and Maungtaw with Bangladesh, and Tamu and Reed with India.

Of them, Muse topped the volume of border trade with over $600 million.

Myanmar mostly exports farm products, animal products, marine products, minerals, forest products and industry finished goods.

Farm products fetched $316 million during the first three months of the fiscal year.

Foreign-investment-used products, raw materials and commodities are imported through border trade.

Topic: Business
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