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Union Assembly urged to regularly update Parliament on farmland dispute

Date: 27/08/2013
Source: Eleven
Union Assembly urged to regularly update Parliament on farmland dispute

The move was decided at the Union Assembly after the report of Land Grab Investigation Commission had been presented to the Union Assembly to ease the suffering of farmers and people from the land confiscation.

Union Assembly Speaker Thura Shwe Mann urged Union government, Region and State governments to speed up their efforts to solve land confiscation in accord with the law [comprehensive, right and strong evidence in dealing with the issues] and submit the moves to the land confiscation once every two months.

Regarding the land confiscation, governing bodies at different levels had already presented comprehensive reviews and suggestions to the report part III of the investigation commission. Not only the Union government but also concerned Region and State governments will have to deal with the land issues, said Thura Shwe Mann.

The problems of land confiscation are taking place nationwide. The governments including the Union level will have to settle these issues. If necessary, respective courts will also have to deal with these matters in the required period. Complaints need to be handed over to concerned Region and State governments through the Union government. The Union Assembly is required to further agree that the Union government and State and Region governments are responsible for settling the problems of land confiscation, said Thura Shwe Mann.

The Union Assembly parliament approved the proposal of settling land disputes to be submitted to the parliament.

The governing bodies and parliament’s objectives are meant for the interest of the State and the people. Therefore, the governing bodies will have to abide by the proposals urged by the parliament in accord with Section 228, Subpara (A) of Constitution, Shwe Mann told the reporters on August 16.

Topic: Politics
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