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JICA to provide electricity and sanitation to rural areas

Date: 28/08/2013
Source: Eleven
JICA to provide electricity and sanitation to rural areas

Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) will spend US$170 million in providing electricity and sanitation to rural areas across Myanmar.

The Japanese government has provided US$900 million in development aid to Myanmar this year. The JICA is will use US$450 million to create basic infrastructure in rural areas.

"JICA wants to reduce deprivation in remote areas. We are doing to implement sanitation and electricity system in rural areas with the guidance of our government. Getting drinking water and electricity is more important," said Tanaka Masahiko, chief representative form JICA Myanmar.

Local NGOs will help to provide drinking water in some regions which have water scarcity with the aid of international donors.
"It is important to have the participation and ability of regional government and civic organisations. The central controlling system needs to reduce too. I urge that the ministries need to cooperate with us," he added.

The government is making effort to implement a cease fire with various ethnic armed groups and are currently discussing how to provide development in conflicts areas with civic organisations.

Topic: Economy
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GDP 2010 USD 45.4 B
GDP 2012 USD 54.0 B
Inflation 9.13 %
Unemployment Approx. 35%
GDP growth 2011 5.5 %
FDI 2011 USD 1.05 B
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