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  • Myanmar Culture and Traditions

  • Myanmar Culture and Traditions

Culture and Traditions of Myanmar (Burma) - Invest

Culture and Traditions

Generally speaking, Myanmar culture (Burmese culture) means Buddhist culture, and is not identical with the modern geographical unity. The Buddhist culture of old Burma, however wide its general influence may have spread, was originally a product of the vast river basin of the Ayeyarwady, with an extension south-eastwards along the coast to the delta of the Salween river.

Did You Know?
Common local unit of weight is peiktha (viss), which equals to 3.6 pounds. Most common unit of measure is feet and inches. ... More

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Indian business and Myanmar

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BBC News Burma seeks investment and jobs

GDP 2010 USD 45.4 B
GDP 2012 USD 54.0 B
Inflation 9.13 %
Unemployment Approx. 35%
GDP growth 2011 5.5 %
FDI 2011 USD 1.05 B
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